If you've been following me on
then you may have been privy to my tweets of my recent bouts with
insomnia. I'm a perpetual insomniac, but it's been worse the last few
weeks. Since I'm one whose philosophies include "
Turn that frown upside-down", "
Take it from the friend-zone into the end-zone" & "
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, pee in it and give it someone you don't like"
I decided to make the best of it. I've been making half-assed attempts
to sleep and just getting back up 15 minutes later to jump back into
work. It's just that now I could justify working on something different
to clear my head from all the "
Wish Upon a Blackstar"-ness.
I gave you guys a '
a few posts ago
that i did just because i couldn't sleep then either and needed
something else to waste time on. I also thought Freddy Mercury would
sound cool over one of my tracks, although I'm still waiting for him to
return my calls to tell me what he thinks... (Keep in mind that these
are just things I'm dinking around with to work through some production
ideas, so enjoy the dinkery. )
I'm going to drop another
Beta Cessions "Klash-Up" right here - tomorrow
and I had a brainstorm while working on it. Because I'm self employed
and can do any damned thing I want to (as long as that includes dying
and paying taxes, of course) I decided to pull out more stops. This
time around I decided to dig through some demos, some of my older
catalog and throw some "
Wish Upon a Blackstar" in there too. As a 'for instance' the first track is a demo I've had sitting around for a year dubbed "
I built some of the elements from some crappy live drums I played into
a single microphone and combined that with some guitars and bass from
my demo of "
The Lucky One" from the ever-upcoming "
Wish Upon a Blackstar." I could tell you lots more about it, but i really can't. That's bc this is where the "contest" element comes in:
Above is a pic of a brand new Celldweller shirt, currently in production (I'm calling it "
bc I'm not creative enough to come up with something new and original.)
We're supposed to have actual product in 2 weeks. I thought it would be
cool to give you guys the chance to just straight up win one. Want to
know how? Simple: My
contains at least 7 tracks from me and other artists that I think
you'll be able to figure out. (There's other content in there that you
haven't heard yet, so that stuff doesn't count.) The first person who
correctly lists
artist AND song title of at least 5 songs in the Klash-Up gets the shirt. I will include a text doc in the
Klash-Up zip that will list everything that's in there, but only after we have a winner.
simplify and repost contest details tomorrow. In fact let's just say
right now that I will make the track live at http://celldweller.com
tomorrow at Noon, EST. Guess what else goes live tomorrow? Blue
Stahli's "ULTRAnumb" - one of the best songs I've heard Bret write yet.
I'm proud of this one and there's a
preview up RIGHT NOW at the FiXT Blog. Go listen.
I'm completely typed out. I'm going to go practice some drums for "Louder Than Words" bc i don't want to
totally suck
balls when i attempt to cut them tomorrow. (I can handle "partially"
sucking balls, but "totally" is inexcusable.) I'm also going to bounce
out a final of my
Klash-Up to get ready for you guys tomorrow.