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    Альбом какой группы (исполнителя) вы ждёте в 2009 году?
    Всего ответов: 147

    Главная » 2009 » Март » 29

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    Goodbye Peru

    3-27-09 Leaving Peru to head back to the US.

    Posted via Pixelpipe.
    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1275 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (1)

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    I would like to poke you in the butt...

    Apparently this is what i was telling the waitress today when I ordered the Peruvian "Inca Kola." I annunciated it like the New Yorker that I am and it came out sounding like I told her that I wanted to "poke her in the butt." I was immediately corrected by a native I was eating with - too bad. This may or may not have even been my true intention bc i can't remember if I liked her butt - i was more concerned at the moment that i had mis-enunciated such an important phrase.

    I was also wrong about going to "La Comera" yesterday. I was actually going to "Larco Mar" to visit a mysterious and ancient Incan ruin known as "Starbucks." I shot some video inside this ruin while i sipped on a fantastic Incan green tea with 2 extra pumps of sweetener. I love this culture. I actually did shoot some video live to the web using beta software I discovered. I am planning on shooting live footage right to Celldweller.com from my studio or at The Method House when I'm working on "Wish Upon a Blackstar" - unedited and uncut. 100% live. But that's not for right now - I'll let you know when I'm ready to make it a public party and hopefully the voyeur in you will come watch.

    I did have a number of really exciting (to me at least) meetings with clothing manufacturers today here in Lima. They have a fairly formidable garment district and I am working on possibly starting to (slowly) manufacture some FiXT Clothing ideas that have been archived over the last few years. I think there are probably 100 different original clothing ideas sitting in archives waiting to finally be realized. I'll keep you posted if I will pursue this just in case you want to wear some swag on your back (or butt. As an added bonus, I will try *not* to poke you in the butt.)

    I just checked my iPhone and I've recorded over 2 GB's of video of my trip so far. It will surface at some point i am sure. I'm actually kinda digging me shooting lo-res iPhone footage from my POV. Now, i just need to figure out how to get it edited together to tell a story...

    Ah, I just saw a butt i would like to poke, so I'm out of here. "Inca Kola por favor..."


    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1463 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (2)

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009


    It was a long day yesterday, but I'm alive and moderately well in Lima, Peru. I've already taken some cool video footage of the scurrying roaches on the street outside the hotel and a few of the 'ladyboy' hookers who hang around outside getting chased down the block by a member of the citizens police brigade on a moped. Pretty good stuff for only being here a few hours.

    I'm trying to fire off a quick post here while i have internet to tell you that i spent a little over 5 hours of my flight answering a chunk of the questions you guys asked in this Klog. There are far too many to post on the FiXT Artist Spotlight page, so I've decided I will post answers to a few questions every week, right here. I'm still thinking through the details, but I'm pretty sure I said more than I should have in my answers, so I should definitely post them for you all to read. I think Jimmy Rhodes will post my FiXT Artist Spotlight feature on Monday of next week, so write it on your foreheads or in your loose-leaf binders.

    I'm off to "La Comera", and I don't even know why. I'm pretty sure it will be awesome bc it's 32 degrees in Detroit and 85 here. Adios amigos -


    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1164 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (1)

    Monday, March 23, 2009

    Mile high club?

    In the bathroom on the plane to Peru

    Posted via Pixelpipe.
    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1188 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (2)

    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    Adios, Amigos

    I'm off to South America tomorow morning - Lima, Peru to be exact. I don't completely feel ready to leave my cell (aka "Studio") but so be it. All i know is that it's pretty freakin' warm there (it snowed a little in Detroit yesterday) and that i'll be eating llama, snake and perhaps even monkey (ONLY if they lie to me and tell me it's a bovine-based hamburger. I'm not highly motivated to eat monkey, i have to be honest.)

    I know a few spanish words my friends have taught me to prepare me for the trip. they told me it will get me everywhere i need to go while i'm there. "Pinche Pendejo" and "Chinga tu madre, Puto" were the ones they said i should say the most, and that they pretty much work no matter what is said to you. So i'm cool - I have responses ready to go for anything said to me while i'm away and i'm no longer nervous about not speaking the language fluently. Phwew...

    Also, I will do my best to snap photos and video as long as i can get my iPhone past customs. I swallowed it a few days ago trying to time it just right and I'm hoping they don't find it during the body cavity search. Oh, speaking of "things to do while being body-cavity searched,"I have to thank you all for the response to the "Have any questions for me?" Klog. I thought maybe you would throw a couple of questions at me, but there are so many of them I don't think I'll be able to answer them all in one shot. Jimmy Rhodes (who will be handling the interview) will have to go through and pick a few that are somewhat relevant to the Spotlight Feature page at FixtOnline. I'm trying to figure out a way to answer more questions over time bc there were a lot of good ones. I may figure out some way to work it into a video Klog.

    I'm getting 'my hair did' right now, so I'm kinda multitasking with this downtime and my downtime is almost over. So with that, I say "adios amigos" and "pinche tu madres, putos". See? I've got this Spanish language thing down, no problem. I'm sure i'll Tweet as much as i can too, without going "Tweet-overboard" on your asses. Join my Twitter page if you haven't already, bc i actually use it when i have something random that pops into my head that i should never send mindlessly hurling into the great expanse of the Interweb. These things will haunt me forever, but we only die once, ya know? I'm out for now.


    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1274 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (1)

    Saturday, March 21, 2009

    Lick My Love Pump

    A clip from a movie that taught me how to really act like a rock star. I spent many nights, weeks - months studying David & Nigel's techniques and tried to put them into practice. It's hard to do when you're 8, but i was off to a good start at least with incredible role models like these. For those who wish to further understand how I've become the artist I now am, it has to start with this movie.

    One day, I will cover this tune.



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    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1328 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (2)

    Friday, March 20, 2009

    Remixing in Eb...

    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1194 | Добавил: Raziel | Дата: 29.03.2009 | Комментарии (1)

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