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    Главная » 2009 » Март » 29 » I would like to poke you in the butt...
    I would like to poke you in the butt...

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    I would like to poke you in the butt...

    Apparently this is what i was telling the waitress today when I ordered the Peruvian "Inca Kola." I annunciated it like the New Yorker that I am and it came out sounding like I told her that I wanted to "poke her in the butt." I was immediately corrected by a native I was eating with - too bad. This may or may not have even been my true intention bc i can't remember if I liked her butt - i was more concerned at the moment that i had mis-enunciated such an important phrase.

    I was also wrong about going to "La Comera" yesterday. I was actually going to "Larco Mar" to visit a mysterious and ancient Incan ruin known as "Starbucks." I shot some video inside this ruin while i sipped on a fantastic Incan green tea with 2 extra pumps of sweetener. I love this culture. I actually did shoot some video live to the web using beta software I discovered. I am planning on shooting live footage right to Celldweller.com from my studio or at The Method House when I'm working on "Wish Upon a Blackstar" - unedited and uncut. 100% live. But that's not for right now - I'll let you know when I'm ready to make it a public party and hopefully the voyeur in you will come watch.

    I did have a number of really exciting (to me at least) meetings with clothing manufacturers today here in Lima. They have a fairly formidable garment district and I am working on possibly starting to (slowly) manufacture some FiXT Clothing ideas that have been archived over the last few years. I think there are probably 100 different original clothing ideas sitting in archives waiting to finally be realized. I'll keep you posted if I will pursue this just in case you want to wear some swag on your back (or butt. As an added bonus, I will try *not* to poke you in the butt.)

    I just checked my iPhone and I've recorded over 2 GB's of video of my trip so far. It will surface at some point i am sure. I'm actually kinda digging me shooting lo-res iPhone footage from my POV. Now, i just need to figure out how to get it edited together to tell a story...

    Ah, I just saw a butt i would like to poke, so I'm out of here. "Inca Kola por favor..."


    posted by Klayton (Celldweller) at

    Категория: Официальные новости | Просмотров: 1464 | Добавил: Raziel | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
    Всего комментариев: 2
    2 Saint666   (10.04.2009 16:53) [Материал]
    ды на здоровье wink don't mention

    1 Saint666   (04.04.2009 16:11) [Материал]
    Тут Клейтон рассказывает уже о том ,что с ним приключилось уже в Южной Америке.Сначала он рассказал как он немного ошибся и сказал официантке совсем не то что хотел..ну типа он язык то плохо знает.Потом он хотел поехать в "Larco Mar" чтобы посмотреть на древние руины Инков,он все это заснял на видео и обещал выложить на сайте.Он уже 2 гига материала наснимал и нафоткал...и Инка Кола ему тоже очень понравилась))вот собсно и все что он сказал.

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